I have been a bad, bad blogger as of late. I keep meaning to post, I'm just not sure if I have anything worth blogging about going on.
Since my last post we celebrated a quiet Thanksgiving here at home. It was very nice and relaxing. Everyone helps to prepare a little part of our meal.
We have decorated the house for Christmas already, with the exception of the tree. That will come this weekend.
We celebrated my husbands birthday on Monday. It was very mellow and low key. The next day he left for a work "retreat" up in Tahoe.
I have been gathering items to donate for the kids' school silent auction on Friday and have successfully mailed out our Christmas cards for this year! WooHoo! I have many gifts already purchased and a check list of those left to buy.
We will be going to a performance of "The Singing Christmas Tree" this weekend. I am excited about that! I have also decided to do a December daily album inspired by Ali Edwards' project on her blog. I am enjoying the process so far.
I will be wrapping up my class at BPS with Cathy Zielske at the end of this month. It has been a wonderful class and I am so glad that I took it. ALSO, I just learned that I won a free spot in another class at BPS called "
The Gift of Words". I was so excited when I found out!!!!!
So there is a SMALL glimpse into my life and why I have been on a bit of a blogging hiatus. I promise to try to be a bit more consistent in the future.