My son's third broken bone.

One neighbor murders the other right across the street (while my hubby was out of town) and next thing you know we are in the midst of a crime scene. A move just might finally be on our horizon.

Two rounds or antibiotics.

Some of the goodies that I scored at the antique fair.

Football, football & MORE football!

The family before cheer competition.
Daughter's squad placed third in the dance portion at cheer competition.

It was crazy loud in the gym!

Promoted to Brown belts in Tae Kwon Do.

Car wash for school fundraiser.
We have continued to have practices for either Tae Kwon Do or Football/Cheerleading for 5 days a week since July with games on Saturday.
I have also been working on some scrappy stuff that I can't share quite yet and have some exciting non-scrappy ventures in the works that I will hopefully be able to share in the next month or two.
So, those are a few of the things that have occupied the majority of my time this last month. I am really looking forward to life slowing down a bit. Even with the busyness of the holidays fast approaching it should still be slower paces than the last few months of my life.♥