I know that you have been feeling a bit neglected lately. Sorry blog. I've just been so busy that I haven't taken the time to update you on my goings on. Let me see if I can rectify that right now. I sewed an 1840's costume for my daughter for an "Environmental Living Program" at Sutter's fort. I made a display board for the Fort entry with vintage looking photographs and thier characters names. I had
4th grade homework!!! Only 100 schools get to participate in the ELP program a year. It is an incredible opportunity for the children to get hands on experience about what it was really like to live as a Pioneer. They arrived at the fort in covered wagons drawn by horses. They rotated through 8 stations throughout the day and helped with task that were typical of families living at that time. They baked bread and cinnamon rolls in the bakery using an outside stone oven. They had kitchen duties, made mini horse shoes in the forge, made corn husk dolls (that was my station). We ate dinner at the Fort and then some musicians came with thier fiddles and guitars and the kids danced. Later they went upstairs in the main building and had a sing along. They stayed the night under the stars in thier sleeping bags and took turns during the middle of the night guarding the fort. It was a once in a life time opportunity!
Anyways blog, I thought you might like to see my daughter in her outfit and some other pictures from that fabulous day!

This is me and some other ladies trying to give our best "Pioneer faces" inside the bakery.

Me and my girl at the fort.

Getting her pioneer groove on!

I've also been on a 2nd grade fiedl trip to Cache Creek nature preserve. This is one of the delightful things we spied while there.

A Hummingbird nest! It had the tiniest little egg in it, one of the most precious things I've seen!
So all of that and then some: work, a child who is convinced that he has broken one of his limbs (again), re-arranging my scrap room, not to mention of of the regular stuff!
So blog, I am very sorry for having neglected you! I've been super busy but I know that is not much of an excuse! In the future I will try very hard to keep you in the know about what up. So, is all forgiven? Thanks blog, I knew you would understand!!!!!