vacation? D-R-A-M-A, that's how! At least that is how you spell and sum up my vacation. Started with drama, ended with drama and a little drama sprinkled through the middle for good measure! Let me just say I hate drama, absolutely abhor it, so the drama that seemingly clouded this vacation was not of my doing. I will spare you all the details, but for the sake of venting will give you a
small dose of the drama that I endured.
It started with a telephone call at 5am the morning we were leaving informing me that my Grandma had fallen and was in the emergency room. It turns out she broke her hip and back and they discovered a large aneurysm in her heart. Add that to the already long list of maladies that plague her (Parkinson's, cancer, emphysema, vertigo, blind in one eye and losing eyesight in the other, deaf in one ear and wearing a hearing aid in the other) and it is a list about as long as my leg! I think that she may be an indestructible super hero disguised in my Grandma's body!
We finally made it to the campsite after I spent the morning with my Grandma in the ER. As we were setting up our camp site I heard a very distinct sound. It sounds like the cracking, crunching, popping and crashing of wood. A tree that bordered our campsite fell over! Thank God it did not fall onto anyone or anything. I think now it must have been a sign. You know, like the sign that Dorothy and her posse read upon entering the Haunted Forrest on the way to the Wicked Witch of the West's castle? It said, and I quote, "I'd turn back if I were you". Maybe that is what the tree was trying to tell me, but alas I did not listen, I do not speak "tree". Just so you know though, if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it,
it still makes a sound (trust me)!
In a strange twist of fate it turns out that there were a few appearances made by this person...

Now I know what you are thinking, Dorothy melted her, right? I know! I was thinking the same thing!!!!!! So imagine my surprise when she continued to show up time and time again. Man, where is a bucket of water when you need one?
Don't get me wrong, it wasn't all bad. It's just that for me the drama outweighed the relaxation. My
daily life is more relaxing than this vacation was. I do however have another vacation scheduled in 3 1/2 weeks to San Diego for 9 days!
YES, an opportunity to redeem the dramatic vacation with a drama free vacation with just the 4 of us (and the dog). There is more than I care to detail here to be done in those 3 and a half weeks, but the anticipation of said vacation will hopefully carry me through! Oh, and did I mention I have absolutely no time to scrap?! Ugh! That makes me a little sad and melancholy at times, but what cha gonna do? This too shall pass, right??????????? ;0)