I know I have been away for awhile. I have been super, duper busy. I have been on this weird cleaning craze (don't know where that came from) but I thought I would just go with it while I had the urge! So I have been cleaning, organizing and just living life, but obviously NOT blogging. I have wanted to blog many times, but have never taken the time to sit down and actually do it. So here is a little peek at what I have been doing.
I was creating projects with Citrus Tree Studio's May kit "
County Fair". I adore just about everything Jenni
Bowlin comes out with, so this was a big hit with me!

Here are some of the projects I created with it.
This one has a pic of my mom and her siblings (she's the one my grandma is holding).

This one is of my sweet baby boy when he was much smaller.

And a couple of cards.

I made a canvas using this ad for inspiration.

I really like the monochromatic color scheme that still conveys texture. See how the molding, fire place and door frame still pop even though they are the same color? Anyways, here is what I came up with.

I got a soldering iron for Mother's Day,
yay! I have been wanting one for a really long time. It is going to take practice to get good at it, but this was my first creation.

The weather has been so nice here that I was able to hang some of the tons of laundry out on the line. Before living in this house I had never used a line to hang clothes and actually I still don't. I only use it for large items like blankets, slipcovers, etc... Totally helps save on the energy bill too.

While hanging up said laundry I caught a whiff of this lovely, my honeysuckle. I didn't even realize that it had started to bloom until I caught it's sent in the breeze. It is so fragrant and yummy. For me the smellier the flower the better!

Here is another recent favorite flower. I planted it a couple of years ago and bought it primarily because of the name. It's a Hybrid Tea rose called "French Perfume" and is oh so lovely.

We went to the last King's game of the season and the kids got their picture taken with "
Slamson". We also won a $50 gift certificate to the mall.

Alright now I am just cracking myself up with this one. Another one of my little projects was polishing silver. Yeah, I know, how old am I? Like 90? Even better was when I realized I was doing it on a Friday night! Seriously, it that what my life has come to? Don't tell me this girl doesn't know how to have a good time.

I also dyed 400 coffee filters. This
probably took place on a Saturday night. I am making a garland with it and will show you the results when it is complete.

The kids were promoted to Purple belts in
Tae Kwon Do! They were very excited and we of course are very proud.

Both my husband and I marked kids' arms as they ran around the track for
the school's annual jog-a-
thon. It was on the same day as a field trip to the
IMAX theatre and
Tae Kwon Do awards (that was a big day). The 3rd grade kids are studying space and working on their planet reports, so we saw a movie about the Apollo missions. It was in 3D and very cool. In fact tonight we are going to their play about the planets and some astronomers are bringing their high powered telescopes so we can see Saturn and it's rings. I am looking forward to that.

We went to "Picnic Day" on the
UC Davis campus. They kick off the day with a parade then open up all of the departments and have some fun things going on all day.

Here is a little creation made at the ceramic department of the craft center at
UC Davis. The instructor asked for suggestions on what to make next as a demo. My son blurts out, "Make a pig!" Of course. Not a vase or a bowl, but a pig. I was really interested to see how he was going to pull it off and I must say I think he did quite a good job! It even had a curly tail.

Yummy strawberries from the farmer's market! Love this time of year when more fruit is coming into season.

So that is a semi-brief glimpse of what I have been doing with my time lately. Thanks for continuing to check back even when I wasn't.