Picking up from where I left off in part one, here are some of the highlights from the last half of 2009.


Catching Salamanders.

Get together with some old friends.

Target practice on "Danger Hill".


Preparing for lift off.

Board breaking with a hammer fist.

Step up side kick.

Building sandcastles at
Pismo Beach.

Watching the sets roll in and break.

Having fun getting wet.

Dining seaside.

Family photo op.

Posing in front of
Mission San Luis Obispo De Tolosa.
Bubble Gum Alley in San Luis Obispo. Yes, we contributed.
AUGUSTCheer camp.

Catching some air!

Puppy l♥ve.


First day of 4th and 6th grade!

Drama queen.

My outside linebacker in his first scrimmage game.

Hanging in there despite the heat.

More puppy l♥ve.


Keeping cool.
SEPTEMBERThe Pionner Jr. Patriot's.

You want a piece of me?!?

The "cheerio's".

My sweet girl.

T's 3rd broken bone.

Sidelined for the remainder of the season. :0(

"Woodlandstock", what a trip!

Antique fair.
OCTOBERSchool car wash

The kids tested for their Brown Belts in Tae Kwon Do,

passed and were promoted.

Cheer competition.

And of course, Halloween.

NOVEMBER6th grade field trip to
Discovery Museum. I
may have had more fun than the children. wink, wink

One the way to the field trip I spotted the funniest sign I think I have ever seen. I
had to stop and get a pic!

The journey begins....

My nephew came to live with us for a few weeks.
Hung out in the city without the littles

and stayed at the
Mandarin Oriental.

Thanksgiving, yummmm.
DECEMBERUp late or way too early.

Christmas shopping,decorating, school plays, band concerts, sports awards banquets, Mission Report & model due &
lots and lots of this place.

And after all of that, I need a nap!

Happy New Year to you all! Make it the best year EVER!!!!