I was reflecting upon the coming year and the one we just left behind. I faced some challenges, had some very exciting opportunities extended to me and feel as though I grew and learned a lot about myself as a person. All in all it was a very good year. I thought it might be fun to do a little recap a few of the highlights from 2009.
JANUARYHanging out at the arboretum, one of our favorite spots.

In the wee hours of January 1, 2009.

We started our "bacteria farm" experiment. Boy, was that an eye opening experience for the kids!

Some cool murals on building in downtown.

Definitely the year of the Drumstick for the kids!
FEBRUARYThe kids run in the
Davis Stampede.

Brief getaway to Las Vegas for hubby and I. We stayed at the gorgeous
Paris Hotel & saw Jay Leno show.

Cruisin' around downtown.

Volunteering at
Loaves & Fishes with hubby and his management team, this was a wonderful day!

This month also brought about many firsts for me professionally. :0)
MARCHCelebrating our Irish heritage on St. Patrick's day.

Dinner with friends and making new "friends".

Angelic Amish babies in Kentucky Amish country.

Hanging out in Kentucky.

Perfect Drift at Churchill Downs. He shares bloodlines with another great horse, Barbaro.

APRILEaster, self explanatory.

The kids and "Slamson" at the Kings game on Easter.

UC Davis picnic day parade.

Follow the leader.

Fun with ceramics.

Farmer's Market goodness!

We are a family of voracious readers.

2 of my boys cuddling on the couch.

My "French Perfume" hybrid begins to bloom.

Promoted to Purple belts in Tae Kwon Do.

Visited lots of nursery's and bought new plants for the yard, mailed off a layout to a major mag. (yay), polished my silver (I have no idea what prompted that?), dyed over 300 coffee filters to make a garland.
MAYPERFECT temperature, ahhhhhh.

This crazy kid keeping my life full of laughter. No, he is not bleeding, that is ketchup.

My honeysuckle sending an incredible fragrance throughout the air.
Full Belly Organic Farm field trip, what an awesome trip!

This little one was bottle fed since his sibling didn't like to share. He was so stinkin' cute!

School jog-a-thon.

He was all about beating his PR (which he did and then some).
JUNELast day of school. Moving onward to 6th and 4th grade, WOW!

Playing in the backyard.

Loving this little guy.

The yard bursting into life.

Dinner and lots of laughs with friends

Marveling at these little creatures.

Impromptu dates and margaritas!

T patiently teaching his sister how to inline skate.

Ice skating & getting a little relief from the heat!

Dinner in San Francisco at
Alioto's. Nunzio Alioto, a Master Sommelier, paired our meal with a variety of wines. It was divine!

Stay tuned for part 2 of my 2009 recap, coming soon!
1 comment:
I LOVE your 2009 recap!!! Your pics are truly gorgeous!! You and your family have alot of fun together. I love it!!
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