I'd like to introduce you to Free Bird...
Free bird is a new series of papers by Authentique that is a little bit different. Here is how Authentique explains it:
"We have named our newest product offering the "Free Bird Series." The reason? We are setting 6x6 papers free from the stifling confinement of being sold only in pads. Let's face it, most 6x6 papers are reduced versions of a 12x12 design. Until this release from Authentique Paper, 6x6 papers have not been sold individually or designed exclusively with a 6x6 outcome in mind.
Our unique merchandising approach allows us to sell these gorgeous double-sided papers on their own, one at a time, rather than only being sold in pads. Affordably priced and printed on an amazing, high-quality textured cardstock, you'll be able to purchase as many or as few of these 6x6 papers as you choose. While we may offer limited quantities in "nests," (our term for bundles or pads), this series will primarily be offered al-a-carte through retail locations worldwide.
The Free Bird Series will feature 32 individual designs in 8 color themes and will hopefully be shipping within the next few weeks. This first series has been designed by Sam & Tara using this Fall's hottest color trends. Now you can get just the right 6x6 design in just the right quantities. 12x12 papers are sold individually, why not 6x6 papers? Authentique Paper has set 6x6 papers free!
We will show you one of each of the eight new color themes over the next couple of weeks. Let us know what you think and ask your local scrapbook retailer to be one of the first to carry Free Bird from Authentique. Not only will it be affordable to you, the customer, but it will be affordable for your retailer as well. Don't worry, this isn't all we have in mind when it comes to setting things free, but we felt it was the best place to start!"
Pretty cool, right??? So now I bet you'd like to see what these lovelys look like. Here are a couple of samples of what's to come.
This is"Familiar"
And this is "Fair Weather"
Aren't they gorgeous? I am so excited about the new concept that Authentique is offering and can't wait to see what else is on the horizon. Thanks for stopping by.
I am so looking forward to creating with this!
It is exciting...wonderful blog!
love this new line :)
Really cool!!
Very nice to be sure. Happy I stopped by :)
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