Tennessee = Fun
Old friends, new friends, creative inspiration. It doesn't get any better!
Yesterday- Happy Earth Day!! Go green. My daughter reminded me that by recycling one product will offset 3 hours of television. I know that she is "globally" conscious, but I personally I think she may have been campaigning for more T.V.!
My little darlings were promoted to 6th degree green belts in Tae Kwon Do this evening. They both recieved an EXCELLENT during their testing. To give you some perspective on how much this means, only 5 out of roughly 45 students recieved this honor! This means that they did an outstanding job! WOW! We were excited for them, but more importantly, they were proud of themselves!
I am feverishly working on finishing up my projects from the Scrap Etc. event so that I can move on to some other things.
I have to make a costume for our docent trip to Sutter's Fort by next Tuesday. I have volunteered to take the photos of all of the kids, prepare the class board (which is HUGE) that will be on display that day at the fort. I also have to get a costume together for myself because I am in charge of a station that day! Oh yes! I will be making corn husk dolls with all of the kids. Totally crafty and right up my alley!
I am in the process of solidifying our summer activities and childcare. Summer will include Algebra Academy, Sports Camp, YMCA, camping at Patrick's Point, 2 birthday parties and 9 days in Kauii! Lots of great stuff going on, but lots of planning and prep for me! Whew, cleansing breath!!!!!!!
So that is it in a nut shell. I am grateful for my time away and am grateful to be home. Here is a photo of the reunion! Awwwwwwwww!
Glad you had a good time in TN. Wish I could've met you, but life happened and I couldn't work the Event. Btw, good luck on finishing those projects-I still haven't finished one of my from last year.lol.
Also, I hope you have a super great time on the Garden Isle.
Congrats on the 13y of marriage too. That's wonderful!!!
Wow, your summer sounds like it's going to be jammed packed with fun stuff! Sure wish I could get to HI, but only crazy people leave AK in the summer, gotta do that in Feb. :)
Did you finally decide on Hawaii? I thought you were doing Kauai? What dates are you going?
Never mind. I just read Kauai. I am lame and for some reason I read Kona. You have a busy summer planned!
Geez, you're nuts. Lots to do! I need to get to planning our summer a little more vigorously. You just made me tired though. Maybe I need a nap....
hi there!
i found you via sis.
i was also at scrap etc. my first time. lots of fun!
i too am behind on my projects, but what's new? LOL
beautiful family photo!
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