I did this one for a challenge with my girls (scrappin' homeys). I used icons for my journaling and gave my little peeps Hambly belts and put their "hearts on their sleeves".

This one was more of a statement/therapy page. I saw this image and thought to myself, "AMEN!". So, I made a page as a little reminder to myself. I really like the image of the woman sweeping. To me it represents cleaning, starting fresh, out with the old and in with the new! The page reads: "In life, there are soem things you want around all the time. As for the rest? It's time to say... good riddance. Thank you 4 making it easy".
That is not to say that it is ever easy to move on. Sometimes though, the way people behave make it easier to walk away.

Hey Sis TV Friend! Thought I should mosy on over to your blog since I have never been.. super cute and love the music you chose.. Just wanted you to know how much I love your work.. ALWAYS so inspiring :) Dana
Very cut layout love the little people!
Hey I am excited you are coming to visit my hometown. It is been pretty nice weather-a little more muggy then usual but you always count on pretty nice weather here! If you like cities then check out our downtown specifically the gaslamp district. There has been alot of refurbishing and it is our urban hotspot. Make sure you go to a local mexican restaurant so you can experience real mexican food if you are a fan. Balboa Park is beautiful and full of amazing buildings and places to take great scrapbooking pics. While you are there grab a margarita and some apps at the Prado which is in Balboa Park. I see you are already heading to the beach.. make your way up to La Jolla and check out La Jolla Cove or La Jolla shores for really pretty scenery and sea lions. One of my fav parts of town is Coronado. If you take the ferry from the broadway pier downtown you can get an inexpensive ride on the bay and pull up right into Coronado. Grab a bite at Peohes at sunset and watch the sun set on downtown.. beautiful! hope that helps :) Dana
love those layouts! have fun on your trip...you will have a blast i know!
I love these...they looks fabbo
You have some great stuff onm your blog
awesome page!!! Have so much fun!!
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